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National Rhubarb Pie Day

Who knew that such a tasty dessert could be made out of something that is technically classified as a vegetable?!


A guide to celebrating Jan 23rd

Let’s start the day off by measuring our feet. It may sound odd, but it’s a fun way to kick things off. Once we know our measurements, let’s get creative with it! How about crafting some DIY foot-shaped decorations for the house? It’ll surely spark some fun conversations.

After getting artsy with our feet, let’s embrace the art of handwriting. Grab a pen and paper and write letters to loved ones. Not only is it a thoughtful gesture, but it also hones our handwriting skills. Who knows, maybe we’ll even rediscover the joy of writing by hand.

Next up, let’s dive into the world of pies. Whether it’s rhubarb or classic fruit pie, baking one from scratch can be a delightful experience. If baking isn’t your thing, how about visiting a local bakery and treating yourself to a slice? Remember, pie is always a good idea.

As we savor our pie, why not engage in some friendly competition? Let’s head outdoors for a game of snowplow mailbox hockey. All you need is a makeshift stick, a ball, and some good company. It’s a quirky way to get some fresh air and laughter.

To top it all off, let’s end the day on a high note by speaking up and seizing the day. Whether it’s at work or in our personal lives, let’s channel our inner confidence and go after what we want. Who knows, today might just be the day we succeed beyond our wildest dreams.

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