National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
Get ready to feel uplifted and inspired by heartwarming stories that make you laugh, cry, and appreciate the little things in life.
World Alzheimer’s Day
Raise awareness, donate time and money, and support the millions of families affected by the degenerative cognitive disease known as Alzheimer’s.
American Red Cross Giving Day
The American Red Cross has given healthcare to those in need for generations, from volunteer blood drives to mobile vaccination sites. Volunteer to help!
Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day
Raising understanding and compassion for a condition that brings unique challenges, highlighting the strength and resilience of those affected.
Blue Monday
Beat the bleak, post-festive slump by setting (or resetting) resolutions, getting some exercise in the fresh air or watching an uplifting movie.
World Suicide Prevention Day
Learn about the warning signs for suicide and help spread awareness so that those who are struggling can get the help they need on World Suicide Prevention Day.
Superhuman Day
Learn more about the Superhumans of the Paralympic Games and beyond through the documentary “We’re the Superhumans”, and support the Paralympics.
World Mental Health Day
Focus on improving your own mental health, ending the stigma surrounding it, and supporting others through World Mental Health Day events and fundraisers.
National Psychotherapy Day
Wear turquoise and help raise awareness about the benefits of psychotherapy and break through all the stigmas, misconceptions, and wrong assumptions.
Day of Silence
Give your vocal cords a break, and support the cause against LGBT bullying. Join a silent sit-in, put up posters, or simply stay quiet to promote awareness.
Self Love Day
Embracing one's worth and celebrating individuality ignites a vibrant inner light, empowering them to radiate positivity and live their best, authentic life.
Laugh And Get Rich Day
Chuckles and giggles not only lift your spirits but can also keep you feeling fabulous and full of energy.
Fight Procrastination Day
Set your alarm for earlier, make your to-do list in advance, and prepare to actually tackle some of those pesky things you’ve been procrastinating for so long.
World Hypnotism Day
It's like a mind hack, slipping into a super-relaxed state, and suddenly, the solutions to your problems can appear.
College Student Grief Awareness Day
With 1 in 3 college students grieving the loss of a loved one, it’s important to acknowledge and aid those who might be struggling invisibly on college campuses.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upNational Yorkshire Pudding Day
Golden brown and crispy on the outside, soft and doughy on the inside — the perfect accompaniment to any roast dinner!