Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
Breaking free from negativity and toxic relationships means rediscovering your happiness and embracing a brighter future.
I believe that often people even stay in bad relationships longer than they should because the fear of the pain of dating is scarier than the pain of a bad relationship!
Karen Salmansohn
Have you ever found yourself at home, wondering exactly what’s going on and why that jerk you’re dating hasn’t shown up when they said they would? Ever walked downstairs and found that their promise to the dishes has, again, been broken and now they’re out on the town?
Do you dread introducing your partner to your friends, knowing that they’re just going to say something awful and have people wondering why you’re with them? Well? Why ARE you with them? Dump Your Significant Jerk Day is the excuse you need to set yourself free.
How to Celebrate Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
Do you live in their house? Great, leave a note in red-lipstick on their mirror that reads “Thanks for letting me know what I don’t want in a relationship!” or a simple “Bye Jerk!” Do they live in yours? Great, pack up their things and leave them by the door with a simple note “You have been evicted! Have a nice day!”
Whatever you do, it’s time to dump the jerk and get yourself your life back, and someone who’s actually FUN to spend time with! Happy Dump Your Significant Jerk Day! Or should we say “Independence Day”?
History of Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
It’s really simple actually, Dump Your Significant Jerk Day was established to help those who have a seriously bad relationship with someone have an excuse to finally dump them on their bum. We’ve all been there, you know we have.
Why are we with them? Why are they so mean to me? Why do my friends always ask me why I’m with them and why I let them talk to me that way? When you start hearing this more than other people singing your partners praises, it’s time to get yourself a new partner.
Or at the very least, it’s time to get rid of the old one, sometimes you’ve just got to do it for yourself, as the song says.
As our opening quote says, sometimes it’s really hard to get out of a bad relationship once you’re in one. After all, at least they’re there, and while they may not be the greatest company, at least you’re never quite alone.
Unless they leave for the night or just don’t bother coming home until late. Don’t let that be an excuse for you anymore, Dump Your Significant Jerk Day reminds you that you’re worth more than that!
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