At Days Of The Year, we receive hundreds of submissions to our calendar every month. If you’d like to submit your own event, please read on to learn more about our content guidelines, requirements, and timelines.
We review every submission, but only include those which meet our requirements, and those which our team agrees deserve a place on our calendar.
All submissions are free and confidential. We believe a day, week or month is only as ‘real’ as those who celebrate together make it.
Please ensure your submission adheres to our most important community guidelines:
Be thorough
We ask for you to provide a comprehensive description of your event. This helps us to research and write high quality, editorial content about every event we add to our calendar.
Be transparent
We don’t list events that are for self-promotion of brands, products or services, but we appreciate there are sometimes legitimate and honest exceptions to this rule. Please be transparent as to the intent of your event.
Be mindful of our audience
We are a PG-13 community, and no exceptions will be made to this. If you are suggesting an Adult themed event, this will be automatically rejected.
To give you the greatest chance of your submission being accepted, please read through our frequently asked questions to ensure that you have included all the information that we require.
Once you’ve made your submission, it will be reviewed by a member of our team to ensure that it meets our guidelines.
If your submission has been accepted, we’ll send you an email detailing when we think we can get your event live on our calendar. This timeline fluctuates based on our backlog, and can often be in the region of several months, so please make your submission with as much notice as possible.
If your submission has not been successful, we’ll send you an email accompanied with advice on how to meet our guidelines and how to reapply.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upNational Organ Donor Day
The selfless act of giving the gift of life can bring hope and healing to those in need. It's a remarkable legacy that transcends time and spreads compassion.
National Sticky Bun Day
Imagine sinking your teeth into gooey, caramelized goodness atop a swirl of dough—these delightful pastries are a sweet indulgence worth savoring.
National Tooth Fairy Day
Have you heard of the little visitor who brings treats to kids while they sleep? She's sparkly, sneaky, and always on the hunt for lost teeth!