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Diversity is valuable, and the world is most balanced and fruitful when equal opportunities are given to everyone in the workforce, regardless of differences that may include gender, age, BAME, LGBTQ, or other factors.

International Age Diversity Day seeks to bring to light the benefits of and need for working toward a multi-generational workforce in every business sector as well as society in general.

History of International Age Diversity Day

International Age Diversity Day was founded by the people who run the Age Diversity Forum (ADF).

This not-for-profit social enterprise organization was founded in 2015. Its goal is to enhance and raise awareness about the need for age diversity in the workplace.

The first few years of this event were celebrated earlier in the year, but in 2024, it was moved to late September.

International Age Diversity Day aims to be an inclusive event that encourages more employers, businesses, managers, head-hunters, and other vested parties to consider the benefits of hiring and maintaining a diverse team—particularly those who have a wide range of life experiences that can only come with age.

How to Celebrate International Age Diversity Day

Individuals, organizations, businesses, government agencies, and more are encouraged to come alongside the Age Diversity Forum to celebrate International Age Diversity Day this year.

Consider some of these ideas for getting involved:

Show Support for Age Diversity

Organizations, businesses, and others can get involved with International Age Diversity Day by using the resources provided by the Age Diversity Forum Website.

This includes options for tools such as media banners that can be used online for social media and websites, as well as posters that can be printed and hung in the workplace.

Another option might be printing t-shirts with the official IADD logo and distributing them to various partners and stakeholders to help support and forge a more age-diverse workforce!

Tell Age Diversity Stories

Get involved with International Age Diversity Day by sharing various stories and experiences to show how beneficial age inclusion can be.

The Age Diversity Forum invites individuals and businesses to share their positive experiences or challenges through written stories or videos, which can be emailed to the organization or sent through its website.

This might also be a great time to tell a positive story and photo online through social media about how a certain workplace supports age diversity, helping to improve public awareness about this important celebration!

Become a Champion for Age Diversity

Businesses and organizations that are champions of age diversity can find out more about how to become an official champion through the Age Diversity Forum website. Some identifying factors of such organizations include:

  • Age diversity policies in governing documents
  • The recruitment strategy includes investment in age diversity
  • Training and up-skilling is provided no matter a person’s age
  • An improved culture of awareness about age diversity, recognizing and integrating the value of all employees

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