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National Finance Brokers Day, also known as NFBD, presents an opportunity for those who work in finance to not only celebrate their chosen profession, but also to learn and grow in their field.

History of National Finance Brokers Day

National Finance Brokers Day can trace its roots back just a few years to 2015, when the day was founded in Australia by Dino Pacella and established in partnership with leading professionals in the industry. The purpose of the event was to educate consumers on the advantages of making their financial decisions with the assistance of a broker to help them along in the market.

Each year, National Finance Brokers Day is celebrated with a conference that takes place in Sydney, Australia at a location called Luna Park. In contrast to what one might expect from a finance brokers conference, Luna Park is an iconic amusement and theme park that gathers folks from all over Australia. At the event, which is open to anyone, attendees can sit with the teachings of various experts in finance and business excellence. In addition to opportunities for networking, there are also fun perks like an after party, beauty bar, post conference rides and much more – all with incredible views of the amazing Sydney Harbor Bridge.

But even though NFBD was originally founded for Australians, that doesn’t mean it can’t be celebrated by folks all over the world. Brokers and others interested in the financial industry in North America, Europe, Asia and more are invited to consider their own ways to participate in and celebrate this day!

How to Celebrate National Finance Brokers Day

Whether a person is a finance broker or deeply needs one, this is the day to celebrate them! Check out some ideas for getting involved with National Finance Brokers Day this time around:

Attend the NFBD Conference

Because it is open to anyone and it takes place in such an amazing venue, perhaps this National Finance Brokers Day would be the perfect time to head on over to Sydney, Australia to attend the conference in person. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Get connected with others in the finance industry, and enjoy a few amusement park rides at the same time! What could be better?

Call a Finance Broker

In celebration of National Finance Brokers Day, perhaps it’s time to give one a call. Probably the best way to thank them would be to let them help with personal or business finances. Ask friends for a referral, set up an appointment, and get those finances in order with the help of a broker!

Thank a Finance Broker or Financial Advisor

Those who have gotten help from financial advisors or finance brokers can certainly take an opportunity on this day to show a bit of appreciation and thanks! On National Finance Brokers Day, write a thank you card, send an email or even just pop them a text message to say how helpful they have been and how much their work has meant to your financial life and stability.

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