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Celebrate personal growth and family breakthroughs by setting life goals, tearing down generational limitations, and encouraging others along the way. Behind National March First Day is the idea of setting intention and taking a family further than it has previously gone, with the theme of “First in Family”.

Practical ideas for this event can range from something educational, like being the first in the family to graduate from university, to something more personal like getting counseling to break generational cycles of abuse or trauma. Whatever the path, National March First Day is meant to acknowledge, celebrate, and represent families with love.

How to Celebrate National March First Day

Have some fun and make a difference in life by celebrating National March First Day with some of these ideas:

Take Time to Reflect

National March First Day is an ideal reminder to set aside time for reflection on how life goals are going so far and where the “First in Family” idea might come into play. Look at the different milestones, how far you’ve come and where you want to go. Many people like to do reflection work through journaling, meeting up with a friend for coffee or talking to a counselor. It might even be a great idea to connect with a life coach who can help get stuck things moving in the right direction again.

Set an Intention

One of the most important parts about National March First Day is to set an intention and make a commitment to build something new into the family that hasn’t gone before. Blaze a trail and reach a certain goal like becoming a doctor, getting a book published or running for office. Whatever space a person finds may have been absent in their family up until now, perhaps it is time to fill it. And, while doing so, accomplishing these goals is also likely to make the world a better place!

Encourage Others in Their Goals

Because the world is a place that has room enough for everyone to succeed, National March First Day is an ideal time to remember to act as an encouragement for others as they become the first person in their family to accomplish something.

Perhaps a friend has a commitment to making her home a place of peace, this would be a great time to check in to see how she is doing. Or maybe this is a good time to act as a cheerleader to a friend who is taking a course to learn a foreign language. Write a note, send a card or find some other way of making a person feel seen and noticed as they strive toward overcoming generational limitations.

History of National March First Day

The original celebration of National March First Day took place in 2020 when it was founded by Alicea Joy Davis. Davis is a spoken word poet, founder of a non-profit racial reconciliation organization and a visual artist who is committed to being a woman “making Black history”.

Her focus on inner healing from generational trauma, as well as her personal faith, was a driving force for Davis in the founding of this day that encourages people to move beyond what they were given and become more.

No matter the specifics about desire or hope, National March First Day is the perfect time to focus on overcoming family barriers and becoming who each person is meant to be.

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