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Life can be scary, risky and dangerous. But if there is no possibility to fail, then there is also little possibility of succeeding as well. When people are able to move even just the slightest bit outside of their comfort zone, they can live a more inspired and motivated life, where they learn and grow by leaps and bounds!

And that’s what National Take a Chance Day is all about!

History of National Take a Chance Day

Life is often lived within the boundaries of comfort and routine. And, of course, this can be helpful in establishing rhythms and creating systems that keep the world going around and around every day. But, sometimes, those comfort zones can lull folks into a sort of sleepy state that often keeps people from living up to their full potential.

After all, how is it possible to know what kind of opportunities are out there if risks are never taken?

National Take a Chance Day is here to stir up that inner risk-taker, that boundary-crosser, that line-pusher. It’s an ideal opportunity to live on the edge, go wild and find out what else is out there in the world that is just waiting to be discovered!

How to Celebrate National Take a Chance Day

Go out on a limb and be brave for National Take a Chance Day by implementing some of these ideas and activities in observance of the day:

Do Something Risky

Living on the edge is a very personal and unique situation. For some, it might mean signing up for those sky-diving lessons. For others, it might mean asking the person they have a crush on to get a cup of coffee with them or go on a date. For still others, this might mean a job change, a move to another country or climbing a literal mountain. So whatever that thing is that has been lingering out there as a dream, National Take a Chance Day is the perfect time to do it!

Listen to a Take a Chance Playlist

Get inspired and encouraged for National Take a Chance Day when you cultivate and listen to a playlist of music around the theme. Let the poetry of music light the way for you with a variety of motivating songs. Get started by putting some of these songs on your playlist for the day:

  • Take a Chance on Me by Abba (1977)
  • Taking Chances by Celine Dion (2007)
  • The Climb by Miley Cyrus (2009)
  • Step Out by Jose Gonzalez (2013)

Learn From Those Mistakes

One of the most important things about National Take a Chance Day is remembering that there is always something to learn. Even in those situations where “failure” happens, everything is not completely lost because there is always a lesson to learn or a way to grow. Sure, taking a chance is risky, but it’s also the only way to discover what kinds of adventures life really holds.

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