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If you can’t suck your milkshake through a straw, it’s not a milkshake – it’s a glass of ice cream.

Bill Maher, The New New Rules

Rich, creamy, and indulgent, the milkshake is perhaps one of the world’s most perfect dessert foods. Cold enough to take the chill off a hot summer’s day, smooth enough to be enjoyed through a straw, and thick enough to provide a satisfying weight on the tongue.

But when it is taken to another level and made with chocolate? Well that’s just pure perfection that no one can argue with.

National Chocolate Milkshake Day celebrates this indulgent dessert and its history, especially as it comes in combination with that richest and most desired of substances–chocolate.

Get ready for National Chocolate Milkshake Day!

History of National Chocolate Milkshake Day

In 1885 a wonderful thing happened: the term “milkshake” was first recorded and introduced into the dessert world. While it is important to know that the milkshakes of that time were a much different creation than that which are commonly consumed today, they still served as the predecessor to the beloved modern chocolate milkshake.

At that time a milkshake referred to something far more akin to what is often now called “Eggnog”, which was a mixture of eggs, whiskey, and a variety of spices and flavorings. It didn’t take long for that to change as, in the 1900’s, the word “milkshake” became a term for a much more wholesome beverage. The ice cream was still not officially part of the mix yet, though it was commonly ordered along with the drink.

While getting closer, it wasn’t until the invention of the electric mixer that the milkshake as we know it came to pass. In fact, the histories of these two are intricately connected as both came about in 1922.

As may be fairly obvious by now, the chocolate milkshake actually predates the milkshake as we know it today, but it truly reached perfection once ice cream became a natural part of the drink. The story goes that a Walgreens employee in Chicago got a little crazy and decided to put two scoops of ice cream in a chocolate malt, which was made using an electric blender. After that, the drink quickly became a hit all throughout the United States. The rest is milkshake history!

What is often unknown is that milkshakes were not always called milkshakes, in the 1950’s they were called frosted drinks, cabinets, velvets, or frappes. But no matter what they are called, all around the world people should take this day to delight in everything to do with Chocolate Milkshakes!

How To Celebrate National Chocolate Milkshake Day

No one really needs to struggle to come up with ideas for implementing celebrations on this day. Anything that includes chocolate and ice cream blended together will probably do! Try out these fun ideas for taking National Chocolate Milkshake Day to the next level:

Sip On a Chocolate Milkshake

Celebrating National Chocolate Milkshake Day is one of the more pleasurable things a lover of chocolate and ice cream can do, as it gives one an excuse (as if one is needed) to indulge in their favorite shake.

Go Out for a Chocolate Milkshake

Sure, it’s easy to make a chocolate milkshake at home. But it’s even easier to let someone else make it! In that case, the world is filled with a variety of restaurants and cafes who will be happy to toss some ice cream, chocolate syrup and milk into a blender and make those dreams come true!

Spend Chocolate Milkshake at some of these favorite restaurants:

  • Steak ‘n Shake, United States and Other Locations. Since the word ‘shake’ in the name, this one obviously had to make the list. With more than 600 franchise restaurants in operation around the world, getting hold of a chocolate milkshake here would be the simplest thing. In fact, this restaurant serves more than 60 million milkshakes every single year–so make sure at least one of them is yours! (Also, check out ‘happy hour’ on weekday afternoons for a possible discount.)
  • Garage 51, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For those on this side of the world, head on over to experience so much more than just a plain chocolate milkshake. Their versions contain all kinds of paraphernalia, such as pretzels, popcorn, marshmallows, peanut butter, cookie crumbs, cornflakes and more. Now that’s a chocolate milkshake!
  • Cafe Godiva, London, UK. Who can do chocolate better than Godiva? Especially when they make it into a milkshake! Head on over to Brompton, Knightsbridge to enjoy this decadent treat.
  • Gulla Burger, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. While the main feature of this business is burgers, their milkshakes are nothing to turn up the nose at! Those in the southern hemisphere can head on over to Gulla Burger to experience some killer milkshakes, either plain or with all sorts of fun toppings.

Host a National Chocolate Milkshake Day Party

Make the holiday a call for true indulgence by inviting over a group of friends, and bringing every form of chocolate you can imagine. Rocky road milkshakes? Absolutely. Malted Chocolate? Yes, please! Death By Chocolate Milkshakes? Is there a better way to go? We think not.

Grab the blender, some ice cream, chocolate syrup and milk. Then get adventurous with various toppings and mix-ins to make it even more fun and creative!

Whether you make it a social gathering or a private indulgence, National Chocolate Milkshake Day is a holiday to look forward to, and no one will shame you for practicing for it throughout the year.

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