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It’s easy to forget just how important, valuable and necessary good doctors are – that is until you get ill or sustain an injury. Doctors Day puts hard-working doctors in the spotlight, and encourages us to be considerate of the long hours they work, their compassion, and the effort they put into practicing medicine.

Learn about Doctors’ Day

All around the world, Doctors’ Day is celebrated, as we all recognize the contributions that physicians make in the community and to individual lives. Some countries will celebrate Doctors’ Day on a different date, yet all nations make sure that those in the healthcare sector are appreciated. We think that it is only right that these people are celebrated! After all, just imagine how life would be if there weren’t any doctors in the world!

There is no denying that healthcare is one of the most pivotal industries in the world. Jobs in this field are also getting more and more advanced and complicated. Progressions are being made in medicine all of the time, with doctors having more information and tools at their fingertips than ever before. It can be an overwhelming job, to say the least. They have to diagnose different conditions and treat a wide range of people on a daily basis. The outcome is not always good, and this can be difficult to deal with. It is hard to imagine what doctors go through on a day-to-day basis. Plus, they’re always available for us. Unfortunately, illnesses and injuries don’t wait for a convenient time to strick; they can happen at any time and on any day, and that’s why it is so important that we always have doctors to rely on when we’re not feeling like our usual selves.

History of Doctors’ Day

The first time that Doctors’ Day was observed in the United States took place on the 30th of March back in 1933. This event was in Georgia’s Winder area. Eudora Brown Almond, who was married to Dr. Charles B Almond, thought that there should be a day to honor physicians. On this date, flowers were placed on the graves of doctors that had passed away. Because of this, red carnations are widely viewed as the symbolic flower for this day.

Since this date, there have been a number of other significant moments in history as well. For example, did you know that the first ether anesthetic was used for surgery on the 30th of March as well? This took place in 1842 and it was administered by Crawford W. Long, M.D. Before an operation was carried out on a man’s neck to remove a tumor, anesthesia was administered. After the surgery, the man said that he was not able to feel anything during the procedure and that he was not aware of anything that had happened until he had woken up. It is crazy to think about a day whereby people didn’t have anaesthesia before going under the knife, isn’t it? We’re certainly thankful for the progressions in healthcare!

How to celebrate Doctors’ Day

There are many different ways that Doctors’ Day can be celebrated. The first thing you should do is to make sure that your doctor knows that he or she is appreciated. Take this day as a chance to thank your physician for providing unswerving care, working long hours, and responding to late-night calls. We are sure that a lot of people reading this will feel thankful to one or several people in the medical professional for the way that they have looked after you or a loved one. Let’s use this day as an opportunity to show them how much we appreciate their efforts.

Aside from showing your appreciation by thanking your doctor, you can celebrate Doctors’ Day is by going down the traditional route and leaving a red carnation on the grave of a doctor who has passed away. You may also want to give red carnations to anyone in this field who you appreciate. Or, why not share a photograph of a red carnation on your social media pages and include a message about Doctors’ Day and why it is so important to share the love on this date?

Another good way to celebrate Doctors’ Day is by doing a bit of research. You can delve deeper into what it is like to be a doctor, helping you to get a better understanding of what these incredible professionals go through on a day-to-day basis. You can also spend some time reading up on some of the most influential physicians of the past century. We’ll kick you off with a good person to focus on, and this is Jonas Salk. Dr Jonas Salk is celebrated for creating the first vaccine for polio. His creation had a monumental impact.

After the vaccine was introduced, the incidence rate of polio in the United States reduced from 45,000 cases per annum in the early ‘50s to just 912 cases by 1962. This is a massive reduction, and we have the New York-born physician to thank for this! Some other famous doctors that we would recommend reading about on this day include Benjamin Spock, Aaron Beck, Carl Jung, and Basil Hirschowitz. It is incredible to read up about these amazing people and the influence they had on the world of medicine as we know it today.

Finally, there are lots of great films and television shows that are based on doctors. Why not get the popcorn in and have a doctor-based movie marathon? One of our favorites is the film Wit, which follows a renowned professor who is forced to reassess her life when she finds out that she has terminal ovarian cancer. We would also recommend watching the 1998 film Patch Adams, which features the late Robin Williams.

The movie is about the true story of Hunter “Patch” Adams, a heroic man who loved helping people and was dedicated to making it as a medical doctor. The story watches Hunter as he goes where no doctor has dared to go before, combining pathos and humour. It is a truly heart-warming film! You also have a wide range of TV series that you can get stuck into on Doctors’ Day. Greys Anatomy is arguably the most famous, but there are plenty of other great watches as well, including The Resident, Chicago Med, and The Good Doctor.

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