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The concept of keeping things clean is likely as old as human beings. Maybe it dates back to the stone age when cave-moms were picking up their children’s socks! Imagine something like Wilma Flintstone sweeping the floor with her baby elephant vacuum cleaner or a washing machine that is actually a pelican.

Sure, these are fictional ideas taken from a funny animated cartoon series, but the idea of cleaning is certainly no joke. Especially when it comes to National Cleaning Week!

How to Celebrate National Cleaning Week

Find some satisfaction in enjoying a clean space by celebrating National Cleaning Week with some of these ideas:

Do Some Cleaning Up

One reason that National Cleaning Week is so inspiring is that it is a great opportunity to set aside a bit of time to focus on cleaning. And for those who need accountability, perhaps it would be a good idea to encourage some friends, family members or coworkers to participate as well. Make it fun by creating a competition for chores such as sweeping, dusting, or even cleaning out the refrigerator or closets.

Hire a Professional Cleaner

Those who don’t really have time to clean or can’t seem to keep up with all the chores shouldn’t be ashamed about it. Life gets super busy and who wants to spend it cleaning? Perhaps National Cleaning Week would be the ideal time to make that call or schedule that appointment with a professional cleaner who will get the house cleaned regularly, whether on a weekly or monthly basis.

Don’t forget to hire a cleaner who is trustworthy and, ideally, someone who is bonded or with a company so their work is assured and safe.

Help Someone Else Clean

It’s interesting how many people would much rather clean someone else’s house than their own! In honor of National Cleaning Week, perhaps volunteer to help a friend with small children, an elderly neighbor or someone else do some cleaning, just as a random act of kindness. This event is a great motivation to be helpful and do a favor for someone else, spreading good deeds around the world.

History of National Cleaning Week

National Cleaning Week got its start when it was founded by the International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA), which is a worldwide group of support for those in the cleaning industry.

ISSA believes that maintaining clean spaces has a positive impact on public health, the natural environment and even the economy, so founding National Cleaning Week was an expression of this. Whether celebrated by cleaning professionals, companies or individuals, this event acts as an excellent reminder to take stock of what is important and work to create a clean and sparkly world.

National Cleaning Week takes place at the end of March, which is a perfect time for it. Springtime has traditionally been an especially good time to do some cleaning, ridding the house of cobwebs and dust. And if it’s warm enough or sunny, it might even be a good idea to open the windows and get some fresh air into the place!

Those who are involved in professional cleaning services can gain access to activities, seminars and a number of other events where the focus is on cleaning. Celebrate the “value of clean”, honor professionals in the cleaning industry and raise awareness in the public through the observance of National Cleaning Week.

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