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Warmer weather in the spring is a sign of beautiful things like green grass, lovely flowers and – road construction?!

Okay. So, maybe road construction isn’t everyone’s favorite thing. But it is an important job that keeps the highways and roads up to date so everyone can get where they need to go safely and hopefully with fewer potholes.

National Work Zone Awareness Weeks brings to light the importance of following safety practices and guidelines on the road during this season of warmer weather!

History of National Work Zone Awareness Week

The background of National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) can be traced back to 1997, when a group of staff members from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) wanted to dedicate a week to improving public understanding and awareness about work zones.

1999 brought about participation from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), along with their clever statewide awareness campaign “Slow for the Cone Zone”.

After getting other important players on board, such as the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the first national event of its kind was held in the spring of 2000.

Since that time, National Work Zone Awareness Week has grown to include many organizations, transportation partners, state agencies, private companies and more.

The event is scheduled to take place in the spring of each year, just ahead of the booming season of road construction, to bring drivers’ attention to work zone safety issues.

How to Celebrate National Work Zone Awareness Week

Follow Work Zone Safety Laws

One of the most vital parts of observing National Work Zone Awareness Week is to make sure that all drivers, everywhere, are obeying the traffic rules within work zones.

Though it varies state by state, the rules for work zones typically include needing to slow down significantly, navigate a trail of orange cones with extra caution, and be sure to follow any instructions posted at the work zone site.

Enjoy Go Orange Day

Each year, a range of different events and activities are sponsored by the organizers of this event and community members are invited to participate.

Go Orange Day is a time when everyone is encouraged to wear orange in support of the day and their favorite work zone workers. This event is typically scheduled to take place on Wednesday during National Work Zone Awareness Week.

Remember Work Zone Workers are Someone’s Family

While needing to slow down and be more careful inside of a work zone might feel annoying to drivers, it is important to remember that this is a risky job.

The people working on the site are often someone’s brother, sister, father, mother or friend. So in honor of National Work Zone Awareness Day, everyone should take the extra precautions they would if their own friends or family members were the ones in the orange vests and hardhats on the side of the road!

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