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Do you cringe when you see a document filled with misspelled words? Are you the friend that everyone asks to read over their projects before they send them out? Then this holiday is one for you! National Proofreading Day is a day for everyone to slow down and read what they just typed for themselves. It is a day to have a goal of 100% accuracy for everything generated. Think you can do it?

History of National Proofreading Day

In 2011, Judy Beaver created National Proofreading Day in remembrance of her mother, Flo. On her website ( Judy relates that her mother loved to correct people. She thought by creating the day on her mother’s birthday it would be a fun way to remember her, and help people take more time to proof read their work!

Ms. Beaver has filled her website with links to many resources that relate to proofreading, but also for grammar as well. It is important to remember that when we write, we should use the rules of grammar instead of typing as if we are speaking. Professionals in all fields can set a bar of good writing by remembering this fact.

How to celebrate National Proofreading Day

For National Proofreading Day, you can celebrate by thanking that friend or coworker that always reads over your documents! Show them how much you appreciate how they help you. Where would you be without their help? Make sure you do something to make the day more enjoyable for them. Let them know that their grammar skills are golden!

Perhaps this holiday recalls the teachers who have helped you through the years. Are you thankful for the teachers who are now helping your children to learn how to communicate properly instead of text-speak? Feel free to use this day to say thanks you with a handwritten, and properly worded note!

Want to celebrate in a big way? Take time to find grammar resources and brush up on your own skills. There are places all over the web where you can practice typing, spelling and grammar in fun activities. There are also guides to grammar that will help you to know which words to use at what time. Do you get tripped up by the common words like their and there? Use the resources to never choose the wrong one again!

If you are the proofreader of your job or group of friends, you need to take a moment to celebrate all that you do for others as well. You could let them all know that while you are taking a day to celebrate, they need to check their own work! Treat yourself to a new book, or another small gift that gives you joy. Even though you are the one always proofreading, you might want to take a chance to refresh your skills as well.

Thanks to Ms. Judy Beaver’s mother Flo, there is a day that all of those who wear the title of “grammar police” proudly. English teachers across the world can be proud of their pupils who have taken their well-planned lessons to heart. Head out to the store and stock up on your red pencils so that you are ready for another year of proofreading!

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