National Winston Churchill Day
Find out about the remarkable, often quoted figure who was only the second person to become an “Honorary US Citizen”.
Show some reverence and respect for this unique British leader who became an honorary American. It’s time to celebrate National Winston Churchill Day!
How to Celebrate National Winston Churchill Day
Enjoy National Winston Churchill Day with some of these fun ideas for observing and celebrating:
Learn Some Interesting Facts About Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill was an interesting man who brought all sorts of courage and hope during World War II. He was a also a bit of an unusual character, and here are some fun facts to know about him in honor of National Winston Churchill Day:
Churchill once escaped from a prison camp in South Africa when he was there as a war correspondent.
One of Churchill’s favorite hobbies was painting and he was an avid artist. In fact, he produced more than 500 works of art before his death.
Churchill wasn’t very successful in school. In fact, his performance was poor in basically every subject except English and he almost didn’t make it into military school because he failed his entrance exams twice.
Visit the Winston Churchill Monument
In celebration of National Winston Churchill Day, it might be a cool idea to visit England. Of course, there are tons of unique sights to see in London but, while there, be sure to pop over to Parliament Square where the bronze statue of this British Prime Minister can be found.
Or, for those who don’t have a travel bug in them, look up a photo of the statue online and read a bit about it! Additional statues of Winston Churchill can be found in England, in places like Woodford and Westerham.
Other countries also boast statues depicting the man of the day, including one in Paris, France as well as outside the British Embassy in Washington, DC. There’s also a Churchill statue located in Edmonton, Canada and one in South Africa.
Share Some Winston Churchill Quotes
Those who are big fans of Winston Churchill – the man and the day – might want to take a little time in advance to memorize some of his best quotes to be ready to share.
Or, it might be fun to raise awareness for National Winston Churchill Day by posting a quote of Churchill’s on social media.
Try out some of these quotes by Winston Churchill:
- This is the lesson: never give in, never, never, never, never. (Harrow School, 1941)
- We have not journeyed across the centuries, across the oceans, across the mountains, across the prairies, because we are made of sugar candy. (Canadian Parliament, 1941)
- This is the kind of tedious [sometimes “pedantic”] nonsense up with which I will not put! (Marginal note, 1944)
- If you are going through hell, keep going. (Speech to British people, 1939)
History of National Winston Churchill Day
On April 9th in 1963, Winston Churchill became the second person to become an Honorary Citizen of the United States. This was the first time Congress had resolved that it was to be bestowed by the President of the United States on a foreign national.
Mr. Churchill was granted citizenship in eight individual states as a prelude, including Hawaii, Maryland, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia. National Winston Churchill Day commemorates this man as well as this important event.
The honor of becoming an Honorary Citizen of the United States was bestowed upon him by the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. And although Mr. Churchill was not able to be present at the ceremony, his son and grandson were there in his stead.
It had been hoped Churchill would not only witness the event on television – which he did with his wife – but would be able to respond in a live format, but problems with a relay station in Cornwall prevented this.
Even so, this ceremony more than five decades ago brought about the annual celebration of National Winston Churchill Day!
National Winston Churchill Day FAQs
Did Winston Churchill have a unique hobby?
Yes, Churchill was an avid painter. He created over 500 artworks during his lifetime, often depicting landscapes and seascapes. Painting provided him solace during tumultuous times.
How did Churchill’s mother influence his life?
Churchill’s mother, Jennie Jerome, was American. Her heritage fostered his strong affinity for the United States, influencing his later political relationships.
Is there a unique way people celebrate this day?
In the United States, some enthusiasts visit the Winston Churchill statue near the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. This statue stands on soil imported from England, symbolizing the bond between the two nations.
Did Churchill have a notable escape during his early career?
Indeed, during the Second Boer War, Churchill was captured as a war correspondent.
He made a daring escape from a prison camp in South Africa, which significantly boosted his early career.
Are there any myths associated with Churchill’s speeches?
A common misconception is that Churchill coined the phrase “Keep calm and carry on.”
In reality, this slogan was part of a British government campaign during World War II and wasn’t directly linked to him.
How did Churchill’s education shape his future?
Despite struggling in school and failing the entrance exam to the Royal Military College at Sandhurst twice, Churchill’s perseverance led him to pass on the third attempt, paving the way for his military and political career.
What was Churchill’s role in literature?
Beyond politics, Churchill was a prolific writer and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 for his historical writings and speeches.
How is Churchill commemorated in other countries?
In addition to the U.S., countries like Canada and France have erected statues in his honor, reflecting his global impact.
Did Churchill have any unique personal habits?
Churchill was known for his love of cigars and champagne, often indulging in both daily, which became iconic aspects of his persona.
How did Churchill’s leadership style influence modern politics?
His steadfast determination and eloquent speeches during World War II set a standard for political leadership, inspiring leaders worldwide to adopt a resolute and communicative approach.
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