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Every year, thousands of men and women the world over put their lives in danger working in Humanitarian causes all over the world. Working in the most poverty and illness stricken third world countries the world over, often in areas of great social violence, these dedicated heroes put their lives on the line, and sometimes lose them in the pursuit of their goals. World Humanitarian Day is when we remember these heroes and their sacrifices.

History of World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly to commemorate the death of Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 of his fellow humanitarians in a bombing of the Baghdad headquarters of the UN. Sergio had worked at great length attempted to pull together the Draft for the official designation of World Humanitarian Day.

Sergio was born in Brazel, and worked tirelessly over three decades to help those victims of armed conflict by easing their pain and making sure the world did not forget them. Awareness was a vital part of his campaign, trying to ensure that those in First World Countries and places of peace remembered that there was more to war than the deaths of combatants and conflicts between governments. These people struggle every day to survive against odds that were created in spite of their desire to just live in peace and safety.

World Humanitarian Day was officially established to recognize Sergio and the thousands like him who work every day to make the world a better place for the less fortunate, the underprivileged, and those living in places of war, starvation, and pestilence.

How to celebrate World Humanitarian Day

Take World Humanitarian Day as your time to galvanize your efforts to support the world’s poor and needy. It all starts with education, so take some time to study the countries where war is currently taking place, and research the conditions of their least fortunate. The common everyday man that is a victim of politics in a world much larger than their small communities, but nevertheless comes home to them every day in the form of hardship and violence.

Then head out and find a way to volunteer to help. You can work to improve the lives of those in these far away countries every day in little ways, or become part of the effort by organizing with any of a number of charitable organizations.

Remember to discuss the situation around the world with your friends and colleagues, spread awareness and educate yourself, and be sure that everyone around you knows the plight of those in wartime around the world.

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