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There are certain names in the cosmetics industry that resonate with all of us. Whether we personally use the product, or know someone who did, the mere mention of it brings up clear images and experiences from our past.

Love’s Baby Soft Day celebrates such a product, or in this case a line of products. It is often considered to be the most feminine of feminine products that have ever been produced, and if you were coming into adulthood in the 70’s to 90’s, this was a scent that was almost impossible to separate from the concept of feminine grace, softness and maturity!

How to Celebrate Love’s Baby Soft Day

Maybe you drifted away as you aged, maybe you’re still a huge fan of the product line and use it every day, either way Love’s Baby Soft Day is a day of remembrance and celebration. It was the foundation of those days when you were just discovering life and love, when you wanted to be beautiful and Love’s was there to show you how.

They’re still within reach, and they’re largely unchanged, being carried by CVS, Discount Drug Mart, KMart, Meijer, Rite Aid, Sears, and Walmart, just to name a few. Love’s Baby Soft Day is your opportunity to grasp your past, embrace the future, and remember that ‘innocence is sexier than you think.’

History of Love’s Baby Soft Day

1974 saw the rise of a new product line from Love’s Cosmetics, an entire line of products aimed at adults, yet bearing the name Baby Soft. Their entire campaign was one of the allure of innocence, a return to those smells that spoke of youth and freshness. The first to hit the scene were Baby Soft Talc, A foam bath, and body lotion, all of which promised to make you ‘sexy in a very special way.’ With their sweet and sexy spokesmodel, Brooke Shields, the brand rocketed into prominence and 42 years later is still one of the hottest selling items on the market.

The marketing genius that came with this product is not to be understated. The look, the feel, the scent, all of it came together to define womanhood in a way little else did. From the sleek design of the bottles and containers, all the way down to the pricing that placed it within reach of any teenage girls allowance, Love’s Baby Soft was geared to take over the market and become the defining product line for the sexy allure of innocence.

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