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Celebrate something that every human being has in common because they have done it at one time or another–passing gas! Starting from the newborn stage and moving all the way through old age, people have been passing gas throughout all of human history.

Now, National Pass Gas Day is here to pay heed to this very human condition!

History of National Pass Gas Day

Passing gas is certainly a natural enough occurrence. Typically, the gas is made up of odorless gasses, like hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide or nitrogen. But sometimes, depending on the kind of food that was eaten, the gas contains hydrogen sulfide which can have a tendency to smell like rotten eggs. This can come from foods such as asparagus, beans, cabbage, coffee, eggs, dairy products and more. And, also, this type of gas can also mean that a fart is flammable!

Although a normal person produces approximately 17-68 ounces of gas on average each day, National Pass Gas Day is the time that allows people to go ahead and enjoy the fun and pass that gas unashamedly!

When the country of Finland organized the World Fart Championship in 2013, it was perhaps an important step in giving people the freedom they need to simply pass gas.

And now, celebrating National Pass Gas Day offers another step in the right direction. It’s an opportunity to normalize this bodily function and also perhaps enjoy a laugh or two!

How to Celebrate National Pass Gas Day

While some people may consider any day a time to celebrate National Pass Gas Day, this is the official one! Consider some of these ideas for enjoying and paying honor to the day:

Remember Some Silly Names for Passing Gas

Passing Gas has been laughed at and chuckled about throughout time. And in slang or vernacular language all sorts of different silly words have been created to talk about passing gas. Whether it is the fairly commonly used “fart” or something a bit more childlike, such as “toot”, the terms for passing gas are often fairly silly sounding.

Consider some of these slang terms in celebration of National Pass Gas Day:

  • Cut the Cheese. Mimicking the foul smell that comes from many cheeses, this one is a fan favorite for children.
  • Break Wind. For obvious reasons, this one recreates the sound and activity of passing gas.
  • Rip One. Perhaps it is called this because of the noise, or because sometimes passing gas might result in ripping a hole in a person’s pants!
  • Bottom Burp. Often used by children, this one is an obvious but still funny euphemism.

Learn Fun Facts About Farts

In honor of National Pass Gas Day, celebrate by learning some fun and interesting facts about farting. Start with some of these:

  • A fart travels at approximately 7 miles per hour or 10 feet per second.

  • Air pressure plays a part in farting, and mountain climbers tend to pass gas more as the pressure increases.

  • On average, humans pass gas between 13-21 times per day.

  • A scientist who spends time studying flatulence, or passing gas, is called a flatologist.

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