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Usually a sidekick for a variety of other foods, National Ranch Day brings that delightful flavor of this delicious dressing to the forefront of attention. No longer a condiment or an afterthought, ranch dressing is definitely the special guest star of the day!

History of National Ranch Day

The story of ranch dressing dates back several decades, to the late 1940s. In fact, the claim to the first creation of this strictly American condiment goes to a man named Steve Henson who originally thought of the concoction of buttermilk and herbs when he was working in Alaska.

After moving to California and purchasing the Hidden Valley dude ranch in California, Henson started serving and selling his salad dressing commercially. The company grew through mail-order and started to become very popular throughout the United States.

Ranch style dressing was originally sold as dry packets of herbs and spices that were meant to be mixed with milk and mayonnaise. Today, it can still be found in this powdered style, which is particularly easy for travel, or it can be purchased in bottles that are pre-mixed and ready to eat.

Now, one of the most popular salad dressings and condiments that is sold in the United States. Beyond just pouring it on top of salads, ranch dressing has some other versatile serving options that can’t be beat!

National Ranch Day is here to show appreciation for and pay attention to the deliciousness of ranch dressing.

How to Celebrate National Ranch Day

Take a break from boring and enjoy National Ranch Day with lots of fun and different ways to celebrate. Get started with some of these ideas:

Enjoy Ranch Dressing

One of the best things that can be done in honor of National Ranch Day is to include it in any and every meal and snack eaten on this day! Of course, ranch dressing can be poured on top of a delicious and nutritious salad, but there are other ways to eat it also.

Make it up into a delicious dip for veggies like carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and celery. Or use it for dipping items like chicken nuggets or fish sticks. Other ideas for eating ranch might include drizzling it on top of tasty pizza or a pile of french fries. Some people like to put ranch dressing on corn on the cob, or even on top of chili. Of course, it is delicious with buffalo wings!

Whatever way is preferred, this is definitely the day for getting creative with ranch dressing.

Hold a Ranch Dressing Taste Test

National Ranch Dressing Day is a great time to have fun checking out which ranch dressing is the best one of all. It might be fun to host a ranch dressing taste test in the breakroom at work or just in the kitchen at home. Have coworkers or friends participate in a blind taste test, have each person vote on which one is best, and then name the winning brand as the reigning champion!

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