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Life wouldn’t be the same without best friends. They’re the friends that can be counted on to be there at a moment’s notice. The ones who love, laugh, support, and cherish – in both good and bad times.

Friendships are an indestructible bond that join many people together in beautiful ways. Celebrating best friends day is just one of the ways you can acknowledge your awesome sidekick and show them how much you love them.

Take a moment right now to think about that one important person who is there by your side no matter what. They are the person you want to go on vacation with, you turn to them when you are having trouble with relationships and you always want to share secrets with them.

A best friend is the person who you would even share your last cookie with (now that’s friendship!). They are the Batman to your Robin, the sugar to your spice, and the sand to your sea! Who is that person for you? Chances are that person that springs to mind first and foremost is most definitely your best friend.

History of National Best Friends Day

Friends can be celebrated on any day of the year, but what better day than National Best Friends Day? It’s a lighthearted, super fun, and down-right awesome day that should continue to be recognized and celebrated.

You might be thinking, “I don’t need a special day to show my bestie how much I love them!” Well, why not? It’s the perfect excuse to get together, enjoy your favorite activity and appreciate them even more than you normally would. Weird as it may be, National Best Friends Day is definitely one to be celebrated loud and proud!

National Best Friends Day Timeline

320 – 335 BC

Aristotle writes about friendship

Defining friendship in three ways, Aristotle muses in his writings about the friendships of utility, friendships for pleasure and perfect friendships.[1]


National Friendship Day begins

Congress determines that the first Sunday in August should be set aside for National Friendship Day, to celebrate the deep meaning of friendship.[2]


Film “Best Friends” is released

Starring Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn, this romantic comedy film is based on the true story of the two writers of the film who live and work together in Hollywood.[3]


National Best Friends Day celebrates on Times Square

Bringing to light the reminder that friends are worth celebrating, particularly friends of the best variety, are worth celebrating! And Times Square, New York is a great place to do it, sponsored by BFF Entertainment.[4]


UN Declares International Day of Friendship

Although this one takes place in July, any day in honor of friendship is worth celebrating. The United Nations General Assembly chooses this day to promote friendship between cultures, peoples, individuals and countries.[5]

How to Celebrate National Best Friends Day

One notable and spectacular way to honor that one special person in your life, is to celebrate best friends day, that’s for sure! Whether you’re celebrating old friends or new best friends, now is the ideal moment to show them how much they mean to you.

You may have met your best friend at school, college, work, through a family member, or even through another friend! Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter where you met your best friend, they will always be your ride or die, buddy. A best friend is so important because they will always be there to listen to you when you are feeling lonely, angry, or frustrated that you have run out of milk!

As well as being there for you during the disappointing times in your life, they are also there to celebrate every success with you. A best friend will always tell you if you have spinach in your teeth and be your number one cheerleader no matter what. You only really need one best friend in order to feel like you have a trusty companion. Although a large group of friends might seem appealing having one trustworthy best friend to celebrate best friends’ day with is all you will ever need!

Millions of people mark this special day each year by celebrating with their nearest and dearest. You could say that one of the most exciting things about National Best Friends Day is that many people don’t even know it exists. Is your closest buddy blissfully unaware of this special day? You could genuinely surprise your them with a small or grand gesture that blows their socks off!

Celebrations can be as low key or as flamboyant as desired. A picnic in the park, a get together over coffee, or a nice meal in a favorite restaurant are popular ways to celebrate a close friendship. There are a number of ways to observe best friends day this year. First of all, why not call up your best friend in the world and have a long-overdue catch-up? This is the perfect way to celebrate if you are in a long-distance friendship.

Should distance keep best friends apart, it’s enough to pick up the phone to wish that special person a very happy National Best Friends Day. Thank goodness for technology and video calling; that allows us to stay in touch with those who are far away from us. Another cool way to acknowledge best friends day is by buying a surprise gift for your number one pal.

Situations You and Your Best Friend May Have Experienced Together:

Here are some weird and wonderful situations that you and your best friend could find yourselves in at some point in your friendship:

You and your best friend have probably got lost at some point together. Is it really a friendship if you have never ended up in the middle of nowhere and unable to find your end destination? Getting out of these situations is true friendship for you!

You have probably called your best friend in an excitable state to let them know some amazing news that has just happened in your life. A best friend will always be excited to share your wins with you!

Have you and your best friend ever spent the entire night on the phone to each other and not realized how late it was? A true best friend is someone you could spend hours on the phone with and never run out of things to say.

At some point in your friendship you have probably called your best friend crying about an upsetting situation that has happened in your life. Whether that is a relationship break up or an embarrassing moment at work, your bestie will always be the first person to know about it, that’s for sure!

Have you ever been in any of these situations with your best friend? If so, your friendship has definitely stood the test of time and you are both in it for the long haul.

Whether you blow them away with a weekend away or you take them on an unexpected shopping spree, there are so many amazing ways to show your pal how much you care, this National Best Friends Day!

National Best Friends Day FAQs

What is National Best Friends Day?

This day was created with the idea of enjoying Best Friends. Many friends like to celebrate by taking advantage of Buy One Get One deals for shopping or events.[1]

When is National Best Friends Day?

National Best Friends Day is celebrated each year on June 8. Other related days include International Day of Friendship in July and Friendship Month in September.

What is Best Friends Animal Society?

For those whose best friend is of the canine or feline variety, the Best Friends Animal Society supports homeless and special needs animals.[2]

When did National Best Friends Day start?

The idea of a friendship day goes as far back as the 1930s, but National Best Friends Day seems to have begun around 2009 when BFF Entertainment held a celebration in Times Square New York.[3]

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