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Nothing is quite as elegant as a black cat—like a miniature Amazonian jaguar, they doze atop the highest point in the area, waking for several hours daily to prowl around hunting for a tasty morsel.

But black cats and kittens are often overlooked when animal shelters are looking for new homes, and can be at the shelter much longer than they should be. So why is this?

How to Celebrate National Black Cat Appreciation Day

How you decide to celebrate this will depend on how you answer the following questions: firstly, do you have a cat?

Secondly, if you don’t have a cat, would you like to and are you ready to have one? And thirdly, if you answered no to the previous two questions, what can you do to celebrate this special animal?

If you have a cat, especially a black one, today is the day to make it feel extra special. We are all so busy with their lives nowadays that we often forget to show give our pets back a some of the love they give us on a daily basis.

So buy your cat a new toy or a tasty treat and spend the afternoon playing tug-of-war or rubbing its belly—nobody knows how to enjoy the little things in life like animals do.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a cat of your own and have the time to take proper care of it, maybe today should be the day you welcome a furry feline into your life?

Animals shelters are always bursting at the seams with both kittens and older cats who need a human of their own and a warm cozy bed and black cats are less likely to get adopted than other cats, so what are you waiting for?

If you are willing to spend a bit of money, you can also buy a black kitten—breeds such as the Bombay are solid black and known to be playful and affectionate.

And even if you can’t have a cat due to allergies or other reasons, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate this day! Making a small donation to your local animal shelter can help countless felines and get you in good with the cats of this world…you know, just in case they really do have magic powers.

Not to be confused with Black Cat Day which is on October 27th.

History of National Black Cat Appreciation Day

Interestingly, cats in ancient Egypt were revered highly, partly due to their ability to combat vermin such as mice, rats. Cats of royalty were known to be dressed in golden jewelry and were allowed to eat right off their owners’ plates. The goddess of warfare was a woman with the head of a cat named Bastet.

These days, however, black cats are often are seen as unlucky or mischievous, but not everyone knows why that is.

In Celtic mythology, it was believed that fairies could take the form of black cats, and therefore their arrival to a home or village was seen as sign of good luck.

Unfortunately, the Pilgrims that came after them were devoutly religious and fearful of anything remotely related to the pagan beliefs of their ancestors, and it was because of that fear that black cats went from being seen as the vessels of fairies to the vessels of witches and demons.

At that time it became common practice to severely punish those who kept black cats as pets, and even kill the animals themselves.

Although these days nobody really believes black cats are witches or demons in disguise anymore, they are still often seen as signs of bad luck by many people in the West.

National Black Cat Appreciation Day FAQs

How did Black Cat Appreciation Day originate?

Wayne H. Morris established Black Cat Appreciation Day in 2011 to honor his late sister, June, and her beloved black cat, Sinbad.

Both passed away that year, and Morris created the day to celebrate black cats and challenge the superstitions associated with them.

Are black cats considered good luck in some cultures?

Yes, in Japanese culture, owning a black cat is believed to bring good fortune. Similarly, in parts of Britain, a black cat crossing your path is considered a blessing.

Why do black cats often have golden or amber eyes?

The high melanin pigment in black cats not only gives them their dark fur but also contributes to their striking golden or amber eye color.

How do animal shelters promote black cat adoptions on this day?

Many shelters host special events, offering reduced or waived adoption fees for black cats.

They also use social media campaigns to highlight the charm and uniqueness of black cats, encouraging potential adopters to consider them.

Is it true that black cats are less likely to be adopted?

Unfortunately, yes. Superstitions and myths contribute to black cats often being overlooked in shelters, leading to longer wait times for adoption compared to cats of other colors.

Do black cats have any unique health advantages?

Research suggests that the gene responsible for black fur may offer health benefits, potentially providing some resistance against certain diseases.

How can I celebrate Black Cat Appreciation Day without adopting a cat?

You can volunteer at local shelters, donate to organizations that support black cat adoption, or share positive stories and facts about black cats on social media to help dispel myths.

Are there any famous black cats in history or pop culture?

Yes, one notable example is Salem Saberhagen, the witty black cat from the television series “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.” Salem added humor and charm to the show, becoming an iconic black cat in pop culture.

Do black cats have a specific breed?

While “black cat” refers to fur color, not breed, the Bombay cat is a breed known for its sleek black coat and copper-colored eyes, often described as a “miniature panther.”

Can black cats’ fur change color?

Yes, prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause a black cat’s fur to develop a rusty or brownish tint due to the sun’s bleaching effect on the pigment.

Need some inspiration?

Check out these videos for some extra inspiration in getting involved!

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