National Cheese Day
Gather friends or family and host a cheese-tasting event. With everything from gouda to comté to brie, there’s sure to be something for everyone on Cheese Day.
While there are certainly some people who do not like cheese or cannot eat it for health reasons, most other people would agree that it is one of the best ingredients for food recipes that was ever invented!
After all, so many different types of cheese exist, and there are such a variety of ways that it can be enjoyed. From toasted cheese sandwiches to pizzas, to different kinds of pasta and sauces, cheese can be devoured in a multitude of ways.
For those who are big fans of cheese, this day gives the ideal opportunity to eat as much of it as desired.
It’s time to celebrate National Cheese Day!
How to Celebrate National Cheese Day
There are so many different ways that you can celebrate National Cheese Day. Try one of these or come up with other creative ideas:
Host a Cheese Tasting Party
One of the best ways is to have a cheese-tasting afternoon with family and friends. Have each person bring a different type of cheese and a different kind of wine.
Then relax and have fun eating some good food and trying out some wine flavors that might be a new experience.
Hosting a cheese tasting party is fairly simple, but there may be a few details to pay attention to in order to get it just right. In addition to buying cheese and wine, there’s a bit of setup that will take it from average to awesome.
- Add to the shopping list little bits such as olives, crusty bread, grapes, chutneys and berries. Put these all out on the table to compliment the taste of the cheese.
- Make the place look just that much more lovely by adding a few vases full of fresh flowers. In addition, the tables will need some wooden cutting boards, a selection of knives, small serving plates, plus a collection of wine glasses.
- Prepare ahead of time with a bit of knowledge about each cheese that will be served so that suggestions can be given for tasting combinations.
Visit a Cheesemonger or Cheese Shop
Another way to celebrate National Cheese Day is by visiting a cheesemonger or going to a professional cheese tasting experience.
This is a great way to soak in all of the knowledge about cheese from those who know everything that there is to know.
Get ready to try some interesting samples, asking the shop owner for a taste of the most unique cheeses on hand. Remind them that it’s National Cheese Day and maybe they’ll even offer a discount!
Eat a Cheese Based Meal
Of course, enjoying a cheese-based meal is a must on National Cheese Day. There are a lot of different ways that you can give a nod to National Cheese Day in this way. It could be something as simple as ordering an extra dose of cheese on a takeaway pizza.
Or, maybe it’s time to try and do something a little bit different in the world of cheese? Those who typically have parmesan on their spaghetti or mozzarella on their pizza, why not try substituting it for a different type of cheese?
Get a little bit creatie and spend some time looking for some unique and inspiring recipes for cheese dishes online, and attempt to recreate them at home.
Learn about Different Types of Cheese
There are so many different kinds and varieties of cheese available from cultures the world over.
From the common and well-known ones, like brie and cheddar, to some of the lesser-known and more peculiar varieties, like burrata or lancashire cheese. In fact, it has been rumored that they even sell human milk cheese in New York!
Check out these different types of cheeses that are unique and interesting:
- Olomouc Cheese from the Czech Republic. This cheese is a bit infamous due to the fact that it comes with such a strong (some would say stinky!) odor. Walk into any shop that sells it and it’s the first thing anyone can smell! Named after the city wherein Moravia where it originated, this is a ripened soft cheese that has been made for more than 600 years.
- Drunken Goat Cheese from Spain. This is made by curing unpasteurized goat cheese in red wine for approximately 48-72 hours. It’s a semi-firm cheese that is also known as Murcia al Vino, indicating the type of goat it is made from.
- Gjetost Cheese (“yay-toast”) from Norway. This unique cheese is made from a blend of cow’s milk and goat’s milk. It comes in a block and has a dark orange, almost brownish color that makes it look like chocolate. Plus, it’s a little sweet so it tastes a bit like caramel fudge–perfect with a cup of coffee!
History of National Cheese Day
National Cheese Day has been going on for quite some time now and it has a rich background of fun and, well, cheese. The day was first established in 1914, with the origins being traced to Monroe, Wisconsin in the United States.
For more than 100 years, this day has been celebrated biennially (every other year) and there are a ton of different festivities that go on during this event in Monroe, WI.
These have been known to include a two-hour parade, traditional Swiss-Germanic music (waltzes and polkas), club stands, crafts, carnival rides, restaurants, and local food to enjoy.
The event actually lasts for more than just National Cheese Day, but all weekend long where more than 100,000 people visit each time it is held. Check out the cheese days website for more information.
For those unfortunate folks who don’t have the pleasure of living near Monroe, do a little bit of digging online to see if there are any events that are going on in a local town instead.
National Cheese Day is all about learning more about cheese, celebrating cheese, eating cheese–and not feeling guilty about it!
In addition, National Cheese Day is all about embracing this culinary delight, getting well educated about all things related to cheese, and trying out different recipes that incorporate this amazing ingredient.
What is not to like? Maybe it’s not for everyone, but National Cheese Day is certainly a day that meets with the approval of so many people all over the world!
National Cheese Day FAQs
How did cheese-making accidentally begin?
Legend suggests an Arabian merchant stored milk in a sheep’s stomach pouch during a desert journey. The natural rennet in the pouch curdled the milk, creating cheese.
What’s the story behind the world’s oldest preserved cheese?
In 2024, archaeologists found 3,500-year-old cheese remnants on mummies in China’s Taklamakan Desert. This discovery highlights cheese’s ancient roots.
Which cheese festival is known as the ‘Mountain Cheese Olympics’?
Held in Galtür, Austria, the International Mountain Cheese Olympics gathers global cheesemakers to compete in quality and taste. It’s a celebration of artisan mountain cheeses.
How do the Swiss celebrate their cheese heritage?
In Gstaad, Switzerland, enthusiasts can explore an underground cheese grotto housing over 3,000 cheese wheels. Visitors can sample cheeses and enjoy fondue in human-sized pots overlooking the Saanen Valley.
What is the Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling tradition?
In Gloucestershire, England, participants chase a rolling cheese wheel down a steep hill. The first to reach the bottom wins the cheese. This daring event dates back to at least 1826.
How did Emperor Charlemagne influence cheese history?
In 774 AD, Charlemagne tasted Brie de Meaux cheese and became a fan, regularly ordering it. His appreciation boosted the cheese’s popularity in Europe.
What unique cheese-related event occurs in Lucerne, Switzerland?
The Lucerne Cheese Festival, held annually, features the largest cheese market in central Switzerland. It includes live cheesemaking demonstrations and traditional Swiss music.
How is cheese connected to ancient Egyptian tombs?
In 2018, researchers found 3,200-year-old cheese in an Egyptian tomb, making it one of the oldest known cheeses. This find indicates cheese’s significance in ancient diets.
What is the significance of the ‘Cheese Grotto’ in Gstaad?
The Cheese Grotto, also known as the Cheese Cathedral, is an underground bunker in Gstaad, Switzerland.
It stores thousands of cheese wheels and offers tours and tastings, highlighting traditional cheese aging methods.
How did the tradition of cheese festivals begin in France?
In 2001, France initiated World Cheese Day on March 27 to honor its rich cheese heritage. The Association Fromage de Terroirs registered the event, which has since gained international recognition.
Need some inspiration?
Check out these videos for some extra inspiration in getting involved!
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