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Don’t Make Your Bed Day has got to be one of the most amusing holidays to exist, and the petition written to congress by a New Mexico fifth-grader is definitely one of the cutest things you’ll read in a while!

Unless you’re a bit of a self-confessed clean freak, Don’t Make Your Bed Day is definitely one a date you’re going to be excited about. In fact, somw who are reading this may celebrate Don’t Make Your Bed Day every day!

When you wake up in the morning, the last thing you want to do is make sure your bed is pristine. This is especially the case if you’re a bit of a restless sleeper. You may spend half an hour looking for one of your pillows.

Well, not on this day you won’t, as you’re completely exempt from having to make your bed. Yes, we hear children rejoicing everywhere!

How to Celebrate Don’t Make Your Bed Day

For most children out there and a surprisingly large portion of grownups as well, not making the bed is a sign of rebellion against the organized adult world and its structures. Check out a few of these ideas for celebrating the day:

Avoid Making Your Bed – and Other Chores Too!

To celebrate Don’t Make Your Bed Day, maybe don’t just refrain from making your bed. You could try not doing a lot of other things that grownups take for granted in their perfectly ordered worlds, and skip your morning coffee. Too much caffeine is too bad for you after all, right?

Or maybe don’t do your makeup or your hair; nobody has to look perfect all the time! Don’t Make Your Bed Day should be a day of relaxation and freedom from the arbitrary “rules” that govern our lives. Live a little!

Buy a New Bed

For adults, you can use this day as a perfect excuse to treat yourself to a new bed! When buying a bed, there is a lot to think about. You need to consider the comfort of the bed, the look of the bed, the size of it, the price of the bed and what material frame you are going to go for. These are all decisions that need to be contemplated carefully because at the end of the day your hard-earned cash is going to be spent!

Invest in a Comforter and Cover

Forget that bedspread and flat sheet that need to be tucked and carefully folded to make the bed. The best way to celebrate Don’t Make Your Bed Day the entire year through is to invest in a set that is so easy to make!

Try a duvet ensemble like the Europeans. There’s no top sheet to fuss with. Instead, use just a fitted sheet on the bottom and, on top, a fluffy down blanket with a cotton cover. For washing, just pull the cover off. And making the bed consists of just throwing the big duvet right on top of the bed. Easy Peasy!

Spread the Word About Don’t Make Your Bed Day

Whether you don’t make your bed or you invest in a new bed altogether, make sure you share images on social media and spread the word regarding Don’t Make Your Bed Day.

When people post photos of their bedroom on Instagram, it is typically when the room looks its best and it is pristine. So it can be refreshing to see photos of messy beds for one day, or even a photo of your bed thrown into a dumpster, awaiting the arrival of your new one! It is a bit of fun, and it is bound to put a smile on a few people’s faces, which is always a good thing.

History of Don’t Make Your Bed Day

Don’t make your bed day is admittedly relatively new, and is based on a petition an elementary school boy wrote to Congress. Here are some of the highlights:

My name is Shannon Barba and …I am in the fifth grade. I am writing to you to ask that you help me figure out a way to institute Don’t Make Your Bed Day.

Sometimes, I get really tired of making my bed. I think everyone in our country would enjoy one day where they don’t have to make their bed and not feel bad about it.

I appreciate your help and ask that you please send me a response letting me know if you are able to pass a Bill that would make a Don’t Make Your Bed Day.

Shannon might well be right when he says that it’s not only kids that get tired of making their beds. In fact, many people argue that making your bed doesn’t even make any sense to begin with–after all, aren’t you just going to lie right back down in it when you come home from school or work, effectively sabotaging all of the work and time you put into making your bed that could have been spent on something more useful, like sleep, for instance?

It’s hard to argue with this reasoning; there never does seem to be enough sleep, and depriving yourself of an extra ten minutes of it in the morning, when it is especially precious, seems like folly, to be honest.

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