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Whether this type of work is paid by an employer or unpaid care provided to family members or neighbors, communities, and society at large would not be able to function without people who take care of others!

International Day of Care and Support is an exciting way to start conversations and take action in honor of those who give so much.

History of International Day of Care and Support

International Day of Care and Support is one of the many events founded by the United Nations with the purpose of bringing the world together in unity to celebrate and feature the most important common values.

This event is fairly new; it was founded in 2023 when the UN General Assembly adopted its related resolution.

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has worked for four years in advocating for this day to grow the care economy by creating new jobs in the care industry and promoting conversation about caregiving and care workers to improve their situations.

The event has also been embraced by the World Health Organization (WHO), the EASPPD in Europe, CIPPEC in South America, USAID, and more.

While this day is certainly an opportunity for any person to show care and support to another, the particular focus of the International Day for Care and Support is to feature two aspects that are critical for care workers: sustainable development and gender equity.

The event encourages all stakeholders, including managers, business owners, government agencies, and others, to renew their commitment to supporting the rights of care workers and caregivers as well as those for whom they care.

How to Celebrate International Day of Care and Support

Get involved by caring for and supporting those who spend their lives caring for and supporting others! Check out some of these ideas for celebrating the International Day of Care and Support:

Attend an International Day of Care and Support Event

Various agencies and organizations will be observing the International Day of Care and Support by hosting events for their communities.

For instance, the International Labor Organization (ILO) in New York City hosted an event for the inaugural celebration.

Other events have included online webinars, live seminars, educational opportunities, and more. Participate in this day by attending an event and showing support for caregivers and care workers worldwide.

Strive for Gender Equity

Every single day, women spend an average of two hours and forty-eight minutes more than men on unpaid care work in their households.

This includes direct care activities like bathing a baby or driving an elderly family member to the doctor, as well as indirect care through tasks such as cleaning, cooking, or doing laundry.

The call for an International Day of Care and Support is to highlight the inequity faced by so many women and encourage men to take on more responsibility for care in their families and communities.

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