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No matter what type of chocolate you love, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate or bittersweet chocolate, National Choose Your Chocolate Day is great fun for everyone!

History of National Choose Your Chocolate Day

Chocolate has been around for thousands of years, starting as a drinking chocolate in the Olmec and then Aztec nations. After making its way around the world, through Spain and to the rest of the globe, chocolate has taken its rightful place as a beloved, delicious treat.

Starting out as a precious commodity (sometimes with religious connections) chocolate was even used in some cultures as a form of currency. Later, in Europe, it was consumed by the wealthy and royals. It wasn’t until the late-19th century that chocolate became easier to produce and eventually became available to the common people.

See’s Candies, a 100 year old American chocolate company, decided that people should have more options in their chocolates. So in 2020, they announced the launch of National Choose Your Chocolate Day. This day was chosen because it is Mary See’s birthday, the founder of See’s Chocolate, on September 16.

National Choose Your Chocolate Day offers options for everyone to have the kind of chocolate they want and love. With so many different varieties to choose from, National Choose Your Chocolate Day is a favorite for just about anyone!

How to Celebrate National Choose Your Chocolate Day

Enjoy and celebrate National Choose Your Chocolate Day by checking out some of these ideas:

Choose Your Favorite Chocolate

For those who aren’t sure what their favorite chocolate is, this is the time to find out! Get a big box of chocolates and try each one until it’s possible to narrow it down to the most favorite. Or, perhaps in celebration of National Choose Your Chocolate Day, it would be appropriate to try to discover which brand of chocolate is the favorite by purchasing chocolates from several different makers and having a taste test.

Share Chocolate with Friends

On National Choose Your Chocolate Day, it’s a fun idea to share chocolate with the people you love – so they can choose their chocolate too! Delight a friend or family member with a box of chocolates so they can make their own choices as well.

Try This Chocolate Guide

Ever wonder how to determine what kind of chocolate each shape is without having the cheat sheet? Try out some of these hints to make it easy to choose your chocolate:

  • Square Chocolates. Did you know that square and rectangle chocolate are almost always filled with caramel or toffee? It’s because they typically need to dry them first and cut them into squares before they cover them in chocolate. 
  • Rounded Chocolates. These are almost always filled with cream or ganache, although it could be raspberry, truffles or vanilla cream. 
  • Bumpy Chocolates. Chocolates that have bumps are typically made from nuts like cashews or almonds. 
  • Shiny Wrappers. This is typically a chocolate that is filled with a liquid that is gooey.

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