National Slime Day
Gooey fun offering endless sensory play, creativity, and stress relief, captivating both kids and adults with its fascinating textures.
Watch out – because things are about to get slippery!
Slime is a simple substance that has the power to capture the attention, imagination and curiosity of children (and adults) all over the world. And National Slime Day was founded with the purpose of showing appreciation for this fun and fascinating thing called slime!
History of National Slime Day
While using slime as a toy is probably a bit of a modern concept, the first scientific recording of a slime-like substance dates back to the 1700s when a Swedish scientist was examining moss under a microscope. As slime started to be studied over the next centuries, the category became a place to classify substances that were neither solid nor liquid, but they were “slime”.
The inaugural National Slime Day was celebrated in 2023 when the event was established as an idea of the Ace Slime company. The hope is that this day will be celebrated annually, encouraging more people to enjoy slime for purposes of learning, play, relaxation, and just all-round good fun!
How to Celebrate National Slime Day
Everyone in the family can have loads of fun and learn at the same time by celebrating National Slime Day with some of these activities:
Enjoy Playing with Slime
Slime offers a beneficial learning and tactile experience for both small children and older ones too. When young kids play with slime, they are gaining sensory information as well as practicing their fine motor skills which they use for many other things in life such as writing, sewing and more. When older children are able to make slime, they learn about volume, chemical reactions, measurement and more. Slime is also believed to promote relaxation and reduce stress – so no one is ever too old to play with slime!
Pro Tip: Parents or teachers who are struggling to get residual slime messes cleaned up may be happy to know that vinegar is a natural way to dissolve it!
Learn Seriously Fun Facts About Slime
Slime is not only a delightful sensory experience to play with, it also has all sorts of scientific facts about it that might be interesting to learn and share in honor of National Slime Day! Do a bit of online research or check out and share some of these fun facts to get started with:
The world contains more than 900 species of slime molds, which are amoebas that grow on rotting wood and other things that decompose
In nature, slime is sometimes called mucus and every single person has some – right in their nose!
Slugs produce a kind of slime that has all sorts of function, including protecting them, helping them with transportation, sourcing food, communicating and more
Scientifically, slime is considered to be a non-Newtonian fluid, meaning that the polymers change based on the amount of pressure
Try Making Slime at Home
Certainly slime can be purchased in all sorts of forms: slime with glitter, slime that glows in the dark, magnetic slime and even slime that is edible! But making slime at home is also an affordable hack for a rainy day.
In celebration of National Slime Day, various recipes for slime can be tried using ingredients like school glue, baking soda, corn starch, saline solution or other household ingredients. Find a favorite recipe and then share it online for friends to try too!
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