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New Beer’s Eve, a delightful and fun day to spend celebrating the freedom to choose to drink beer, or any type of alcoholic beverage. The celebration of this day has a rich history, and it promises to provide a delightful reason to observe and enjoy the beauty of being able to freely enjoy a beer!

How to Celebrate New Beer’s Eve

Have tons of fun with the observance of New Beer’s Even by celebrating with some of these ideas, or create some clever ideas of your own:

Host a New Beer’s Eve Event

This is a great time to set up a party, bringing in an abundance of different types of brews and calling in New Beer’s Day with a full range of craft beers and the like. Seeing how it’s only New Beer’s Eve one time every year, it just makes sense to go a little out of well-traveled waters in its honor.

Take a Brewery Tour

One perfect way to celebrate New Beer’s Eve is to find a local brewery that hosts tours and take one. Learn about the process of brewing beer, find out about the history of that particular brewery, and even partake in some delicious tastings!

Try a Locally Brewed Beer

It doesn’t take a genius to notice that there happen to be microbreweries that are popping up all over America and other places in the world. So the opportunity to try a local brew for the first time is emerging every day. Some people might think that there is nothing better than celebrating the end of the prohibition by trying out a beer that may never have existed if it had not!

But that doesn’t mean you should spend a small fortune on it, most microbreweries produce beers at a very reasonable rate. While there are higher priced beers on the market, there is nothing saying that they are in fact of superior quality. Some of the most delicious beers on the market are bottom shelf, mostly unknown microbrews. So this is the perfect time to go for a rarely experienced beer, but it’s not necessary to get a new mortgage on that house to make it happen!

Create a Home Brewed Beer

Looking for a fun way to celebrate New Beer’s Eve? This is the ideal time to learn the craft of home brewing beer! Though it’s a craft that requires a bit of patience, it doesn’t have to be super complicated. In fact, some companies now offer beer brewing kits that can be purchased online with everything that’s needed to get started brewing beer at home.

Check for Discounts at the Local Bar

Many bars, pubs and restaurants enjoy celebrating New Beer’s Eve as well as the next day, National Beer Day. Often they will offer discounts or deals on beer, whether during happy hour or all day long.

Choose Favorite Beer and Cheese Pairings

Beer is a great beverage, but even better is when a beer connoisseur can be choosy about which beers go with which foods. Try out a havarti cheese, a mild colby, or even a baby swiss to go along with a delicious beer. When pairing, it’s important to try to match the intensity of the cheese with the intensity of the beer, so that one flavor does not overpower another.

Try Out a New Beer Brand with Friends

There are many good suds to be tried this time of year, and it’s a great time to run a beer scout for the craft beers that are out there. It’s possible to take this opportunity to introduce friends and family, and even fellow beer drinkers to that favorite beverage. But make sure there’s a good beer available to offer them.

There are beers with different qualities that have light fruity qualities, and others with a dark, rich body in the style of Guinness. Setting up a party with friends or family members to get together for a beer tasting is a great way to celebrate this special day!

So celebrate this New Beer’s Eve by heading out and exploring the vast unexplored wilderness that is craft beers! There are so many options out there for the intrepid beer scout to discover.

It’s been a long time since the prohibition, and the world is full of the amazing achievements of brewers reveling in the important freedom people have been given because of it. New Beer’s Eve is the time to go out to that favorite pub and perhaps sponsor an event there, helping others to celebrate the wonderful liberation in libations we experience.

Those craft brew deprived friends will be thankful!

New Beer’s Eve FAQs

What is New Beer’s Eve?

New Beer’s Eve is celebrated in honor of the end of Prohibition of the use of alcohol in the United States.[1]

How to celebrate New Beer’s Eve?

The best way to celebrate New Beer’s Eve is to have a party that includes enjoy the freedom to drink alcohol![2]

When is New Beer’s Eve?

This day is celebrated each year on the evening of April 6, the night before the ending of prohibition in 1933.[3]

Who started New Beer’s Eve? 

The celebration on this night was begun by Americans in 1933 who were ready to celebrate the end of prohibition that started around midnight on April 7.[4]

History of New Beer’s Eve

New Beer’s Eve couldn’t be celebrated if it wasn’t for the invention of this beverage. Beer was probably invented somewhere around the years 3100-3500 BC, made from barley in the eastern parts of Iran. This date may even be a bit behind as some stories say that beer originated up to 10,000 years ago.

But an important historical fact for lovers of all types of tasty brews everywhere, the years of 1920 to 1933 were incredibly sad times. That’s because this was the period of Prohibition in the United States, when the 18th Amendment was created so that any and all forms of alcohol were made illegal.

Thankfully, in 1933, the United States government came to their senses and President Roosevelt decided that this frothy brew, as well as wine and hard liquor, should once again flow freely in the taverns and bars of the country.

On this date in 1933, it is recorded that the people lined up around the block at the doors of their favorite bars and pubs as they prepared to imbibe the legal brews for the first time in 13 years. Ever since that night, this day has been referred to as ‘New Beer’s Eve’, a precursor of National Beer Day.

It is said that at 12:01 on this day in the year 1933, President Roosevelt made this statement: “I think this would be a good time for a beer.” For such an auspicious patron, Anheuser-Busch pulled out all the stops, making a delivery of beer with their Clydesdale drawn carriage directly to the Commander in Chief of the United States.

Making a bit of history, the first 24 hours of the end of the prohibition saw an estimated 1.5 million gallons of beer consumed, in addition to wine and various other spirits.

New Beer’s Eve Timeline

4000 BC

Beer is invented 

No one knows its exact origins, but beer is believed to have been invented during this time in Mesopotamia.[1]

1000 AD

Hops is introduced 

Prior to this time, beer likely tasted much more bitter until Hops is added to the process and it spreads throughout Europe.[2]


Prohibition Starts in the United States 

Though the 18th Amendment is ratified by the US government on January 16, 1919, it did not take effect until January 17, 1920.[3]


Stock Market Crashes 

Beginning the worst economic downturn ever, the crash on Wall Street ushers in the Great Depression.[4]


Prohibition Ends 

With the election of US President Roosevelt, Prohibition is repealed and ends on April 7 of this year, partly motivated by the need to create jobs to recover from the Great Depression.[5]

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