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Recent statistics reveal that at least 500 billion disposable cups are used each year worldwide, 16 billion of these in the United States alone and another 7 million in the UK. One study even showed that approximately ½ million of those disposable cups used in the UK are not even put in a trash can or recycle bin but are simply dropped on the floor! 

Armed with this information, it’s time for humans across the globe to do better, make a difference and get involved with No Disposable Cup Day.

History of No Disposable Cup Day

No Disposable Cup Day was founded through an initiative of the same name that was founded in the UK but has an impact on countries all over the planet. With the recognition that it is never necessary to use disposable cups, this day was founded to raise awareness and unite communities in an effort to be responsible – and also have some fun. It’s time for individuals, businesses and communities to get creative not only with the ways that they serve beverages on this day, but also acting in more sustainable ways all throughout the year.

How to Celebrate No Disposable Cup Day

Get those reusable cups ready because it’s time to celebrate this important event that honors a small step but makes a big difference. Check out some of these ideas for enjoying and celebrating No Disposable Cup Day:

Try a No Disposable Cup Month

While starting with one day is a great beginning, one of the best ways to go forward from No Disposable Cup Day is to make it a launch pad for the next 30 days! Set those sights high and make it a personal goal to stop using disposable cups for the next month or, even better, gather a group of friends who might be interested in doing it together as a show of support. Some people have even made the journey of celebrating an entire year without using any disposable cups. What a great way to honor the planet!

Advocate for Reusable Cups

One way many people can make a difference is to use their combined voices to advocate against the big business practice of disposable cups. In celebration of No Disposable Cup Day, be sure to speak out, sign petitions, contact legislators and encourage businesses to be more responsible with the earth’s resources by encouraging the use of reusable cups.

Support No Disposable Cup Day in Businesses

Coffee shops, restaurants, company break rooms and many other businesses can get on board with No Disposable Cup Day by preparing their customers and staff in advance of the day. Spend some time ahead encouraging people to bring their own reusable cups on this day, with the intention of making it a habit. Businesses can offer a discount to people who bring their own cups, remembering that not having to pay for the cost of a disposable cup – and the impact it can make on the earth – is certainly worth a few cents off to a loyal patron!

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