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Helping people of all ages accomplish individualized goals, music therapy is a healthcare process that can take all sorts of forms based on the needs of the client.

Approaches might include making music, listening to music, writing songs, improvisation, group discussion, or even meditation.

Trained therapists use different forms of music to promote health and well-being mentally, emotionally, and physically.

World Music Therapy Week works to improve public awareness and knowledge about music therapy while showing appreciation to professionals, students, supporters, and clients.

History of World Music Therapy Week

While some might think music therapy is a new career – and it certainly has been growing in scope and popularity in recent years – this form of therapy has been around for quite some time.

In fact, music therapy dates back more than two centuries to the late 1700s, when the first record of reference to music therapy can be found.

It was in 1950 that the National Association for Music Therapy (NAMT) was formed in the United States, building into the foundation of establishing as a profession this important approach to health.

Founded fairly recently, the inaugural World Music Therapy Week took place in 2023, supported by the American Music Therapy Association along with the World Federation for Music Therapy.

How to Celebrate World Music Therapy Week

Looking for ideas to join in on the celebration of World Music Therapy Week? Get into the groove and get started with some of these ideas:

Join a Music Therapy Session

Not exactly sure what music therapy is all about? World Music Therapy Week might be just the time to get involved by booking a session with a therapist.

Goals for music therapy might include reduction of stress, improved mood, increased overall well-being or learning how to become more self expressive.

Remember that a person doesn’t necessarily need to be musical to experience the benefits that can come from music therapy!

Thank a Music Therapist

Those who know a music therapist or who have been personally impacted by one can take World Music Therapy Week as a special opportunity to show some appreciation and give a hearty ‘thank you’.

Support Music Therapy

World Music Therapy Week is a great time for individuals, families and communities to get involved in supporting music therapy.

This might include making a donation or raising funds to support the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), a non-profit organization.

Other ideas might include attending events or conferences put on by the AMTA, becoming an artist spokesperson for music therapy, learning more about music therapy used in disaster response and much more.

Become a Music Therapist

Folks who are interested in starting a career as a music therapist might want to spend World Therapy Week researching what opportunities there may be to make a career out of being a music therapist.

Requirements vary from state to state, but typically a bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy is required in addition to various licensing or certification requirements based on the location.

The MT-BC is the exam that is required for board certification.

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