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Make the most out of the opportunities available to invest in a better world and celebrate a sustainable future by getting connected and participating in International Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Day! 

History of International ESG Day

“ESG” is a term that started to be used in 2006 when the United Nations was developing plans and principles for investing responsibly. Since that time, ESG has become a standard by which organizations, government agencies and companies can evaluate their impact on the world, including how well they operate on a sustainable level.

In an effort to raise awareness about these global issues, International ESG Day was established to act as a reminder and motivator to raise the bar on the way the actions of people, and especially groups of people, are impacting the world around them, with the purpose of creating a better tomorrow. Fostering collaboration and highlighting achievements are just some of the many ways that International ESG Day seeks to foster a commitment to a brighter future.

How to Celebrate International ESG Day

Get involved and make the world a better place on this day and all throughout the year. Check out some of these ideas to get connected with International ESG Day:

Learn More About ESG 

Knowledge is power! When it comes to ESG, anyone and everyone can learn a bit more about how to live more carefully and sustainably in the world today – in support of the planet and every species who inhabits it. Take a look at some of these important statistics related to the topics of environment, social and governance, and perhaps start a discussion on how to address issues on local and community levels:

  • According to PWC, 76% of people say they will stop buying from companies that treat employees, the environment, or their community poorly.

  • Placing a priority on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals could be good for business by creating hundreds of millions of jobs worldwide.

  • Climate-related weather events are costly to businesses, with an estimate of more than $1 trillion in the next few years.

  • More than 88% of publicly traded companies in the US have ESG initiatives in place.

Join an ESG Workshop

An excellent way for individuals, leadership teams, manager groups, politicians, CEOs and other community leaders to get involved with International ESG Day might be to learn more about the issue through a workshop. The ESG Institute and other leadership organizations may be able to host or organize workshops for groups and employees that can help educate and inform those who are making decisions or who are impacted by various environmental, social and governance issues.

Celebrate ESG Events Throughout the Year

Because the topic of ESG is all about living sustainably in a variety of ways, the calendar comes with dozens of opportunities to stay connected and motivated toward each of the impact areas. For instance, organizations or businesses might want to choose one day per month that would be a feature along one of the ESG topics. Check out some of these days to get started with:

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