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The sun is just beginning to rise over the horizon, painting the sky a vivid palette of reds and oranges. The quiet buzz of insects can be heard as they dance over the water’s surface, punctuated occasionally by the splash of a fish breaking the surface for its morning meal, unknowing that it is destined to become a meal itself. National Go Fishing Day celebrates quiet, meditative moments like this and those individuals who find solace in the pursuit of this elusive prey.

We have certainly all fished before. Fished for compliments, fished for some decent wine to go with our Sunday roast but the act of fishing is indeed considered an actual sport.

Whether you fish with the old fashion maggots, or whether you’ve progressed to the corn bait, you will find that fishing in general is a sport that requires both patience and strength. There are plenty of fish to choose from, depending on where you choose to fish and although some people fish for a living, this little hobby can develop into much more than just a Sunday morning past time…

History Of National Go Fishing Day

While fishing has served to feed civilization since near the dawn of time, and in modern days it is a major industry that has a yearly yield in the billions of dollars, National Go Fishing Day is dedicated to sport fishing, as well as those who fish as part of survival (known as subsistence fishing). Fishing is a great way to help add food to your table while having the satisfaction of knowing that you caught it yourself, as well as a wonderful bonding opportunity for friends and family.

While the most common forms of fishing are rod and reel fishing, fly fishing, and at a distant third bow-fishing, there are many other forms that are practiced around the world for survival and pleasure. Whatever your preferred method, fishing is a great experience and gets us back in touch with nature and ourselves. Contrary to popular belief, fishing is far more than “One jerk waiting for another jerk at the end of the line.”, and instead is actually a result of luck combined with three important processes, the state of the fish, how it encounters the tackle, and the composition of that tackle.

The Ancient Greeks considered fishermen of very low status so they rarely depicted them in art. All civilizations that lived near the water have developed some forms of fishing over time and even relied on fish as a part of their diet to some extent. Eating our fishy rewards after a long fishing stint, seems immoral for some but it is practical for many.

The Benefits Of Fishing 

The benefits of fishing are plentiful. Now that isn’t just because of the great suntan you can get whilst sitting on the riverbanks or pondside whilst fishing, but because it is a sport that requires a lot of skill and diligence. Some of the biggest benefits include: boosting the immune system! Yes that’s a fact, if you’re doing something that you love, then your body is healing and strengthening itself constantly. Add this to the muscular strength you need to reel in that tough carp that has bit the line and you’re really working your cardiovascular system also. Good start isn’t it? Fishing also has the opposite effect also, it certainly helps promote relaxation and when you are sat out in nature, you are certainly getting your daily dose of fresh air and vitamin D that will make you feel good on the outside as well as on the inside! For those who have a little bit of a short temper, you could choose fishing as a way to tame that fiery temperament.

Fishing takes patience and promotes a calm nature, which is beneficial for you mentally and physically; it can lower blood pressure and allow you to feel more calm and ready to tackle life! It will help promote self-reliance and the ability to learn for yourself, and it’s a sport that can be enjoyed individually or with family. Think of it as family bonding time! “Come on kids, let’s go catch some Chinook with old pap!” Don’t forget to stick on your ‘gone fishing’ plaque on the doorstep, so the neighbors know where to find you!

How To Celebrate National Go Fishing Day

Get out there and go fishing! It’s as simple as that. Whether you prefer to go boat fishing and troll along with your bait and tackle trailing in the water behind you, or standing in hip waders while casting your fly over the top of the water, there’s a form of fishing that will appeal to everyone. Even if you don’t like fishing, you have to admit that sitting quietly on the edge of a lake with a fishing pole and a case of beer beats even the best day at work!

If you want to further your journey within fishing and you feel you’re ready for another step, then you can celebrate Fishing Day with entering into a competition. There are plenty around and there are often money prizes up for grabs! Now what better way to celebrate fishing than with a big win? Get involved and really start to enjoy what fishing has to offer, with its huge benefits! Time to learn a new skill, so let’s go fishing!

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