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How to celebrate May 14th

Get ready for an unconventional day filled with amusing activities. Start the day by dancing like a chicken to pump up your energy. Next, indulge in some online romance by watching a rom-com or chatting with your crush. For a delicious treat, whip up some buttermilk biscuits; you can find simple recipes online. Take a break to appreciate the artists who create and share Project Management Office (PMO) resources. It’s a day to tap into your creative side and try your hand at the unique art form of PMO. At lunchtime, grab your biscuits and head outside to dance like a chicken in the sunshine. Embrace the fun and silliness of the moment. To continue the celebration, organize an online romance movie marathon with friends or family. Share laughs and heartwarming moments together virtually. Wrap up the day by researching more about PMO practices and how they can benefit your daily life or work routine. The key is to embrace each activity with enthusiasm and a sense of humor. Let loose, have fun, and enjoy the delightful mix of activities this day has to offer.

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